Thursday, October 6, 2011

Nor Villa - Rumah Terbuka Aidil Fitri 2011

Seperti lazim tahun ini shukur kami dapat menganjurkan majlis Rumah Terbuka Aidil Fitri 2011 pada 17 Sept. sebagai majlis untuk merapatkan sirratulrahim diantara kami sekeluarga dengan saudara mara, sahabat handai, jiran tetangga, anak2 yatim, anak2 thafiz STAM dan rakan perniagaan. Ia juga tanda shukur kami kepada rezeki yang Tuhan kurniakan kepada kami sepanjang tahun, terutama dapat menyempurnakan Ramadhan Al Mubarak dengan baik. Terima kasih kami ucapkan kepada yang sudi hadir bagi memeriahkan majlis kami, semoga sama2 kita mendapat keberkatannya.

Dipaparkan bersama ini gambar2 dimajlis tersebut sebagai kenangan bersama.

Gambar sebelum majlis....

Nasi Arab untuk Mak Tok

Gambar kenangan sepupu2 di jambatan Nur

Mak Tok, Abg Pah dan keluarga..

Kambing bakar...... favourite tetamu kami...5 ekor terkorban

Cucur udang yang rangup dan sedap sangat..

Cedol.....habis sampai tak cukup...

Rencah2 untuk laksa johor...

Nasi Arab.....memang lazat dan mengancam...

Hidangan lauk pauk....

Keluarga Abg Nan dari JB

Keluarga Samad, jiran yang ramah...

Gambar bersama keluarga Dato' Zul dan Capt. Nasir

Dato' Madinah, Assoc Prof. Zaharah, Prof Daud Silong..

Prof Fauzi dan keluarga...

Kawan2 dari Surau Al Sobah seronok mengambil hidangan

Kumpulan Nasyid Mawwadah

Anak2 yatim dari Darul Kiffayah..

Capt. Shaharzat dan keluarga...

Anak2 Thafiz STAM dan Ustaz Amar berkasidah...

Kamil dan kawan2 SMK Jalan 3.....

Bersama kawan sekampung Mersing..Apang & Cikgu Ali

Sebahgian dpd anak Mersing yg hadir....

Gadis2 EWA...Usahawan wanita...

Bakal2 doktor dari UPM....

Kawan2 Yana dari UPM....


Bakal2 akauntan dari UIA...

Gambar keluarga, Wati, kak Ros, kak Yam, Malik dan famili

Monday, August 29, 2011

Menyambut 1 Shawal - Raya Aidil Fitri

Nampaknya Ramadan 2011 akan menutup tirainya maghrib ini, setelah sebulan kita berpuasa bagi merebut ganjaran berlipat ganda yang di tawarkan oleh Allah. Ramadan dikurniakan pada umat Muhammad bagi membantu kita yang hidup tidak panjang mana dan amat sedikit masa amalan berbanding umat terdahulu. Ia juga bagi menambah pahala mengisi ruang2 kosong dalam amal kita sepanjang tahun. Yang lebih penting semoga kita mendapat janji Allah menjadi orang yang lebih bertaqwa serta mendapat Rahmat, Keampunan dan Bebas dari api Neraka di akhir Ramadan.

Dua kegembiraan orang berpuasa ada lah bila berbuka puasa dan bila bertemu dengan Allah diakhirat nanti. Mudah mudahan kita telah menggunakkan Ramadan tahun ini dengan sepenuhnya dan kini bersedia untuk menyambut Aidil Fitri dengan gembira. Sebagai ingatan bersama marilah kita sambut 1 Shawal dengan cara yang berhemah dan seperti yang dianjurkan oleh Islam. Pastikan kita ikuti saranan berikut seperti yang diberikan oleh Ustaz Dr. Hassan dalam satu kuliah subuhnya.

1. Bertakbir sebanyak mungkin dan dimana2 juga kita berada bukan hanya di Surau atau Mesjid sahaja. Bertakbir bersama keluarga dirumah mahu pun dalam kereta semasa perjalanan.

2.Hidupkan malam 1 Shawal dengan sembahyang tahjjud, tasbih, taubat, hajat, shukur dsb, berzikir dan berselawat ke atas Nabi SAW. Bagi mereka yang menghidupkan malam 1 Shawal, Allah akan Hidupkan hati mereka ketika hati orang lain Mati ...semoga kita mendapat janji Allah ini.

3. Mandi Sunat Raya pada pagi Raya bagi menggugurkan baki dosa dibadan kita. Sunat makan sebelum ke mesjid dan pastikan datang lebih awal daripada Imam. Pilihlah jalan yang berlainan semasa pergi dan balik daripada mesjid.

4. Mendengar Khutbah raya dengan tertib. Bila bersalaman dengan keluarga dan kawan2 Doakan " Moga2 Allah terima amalan kita " ( Takabaruallah Hu Minkum )

5. Ziarah mengziarahi antara kita terutama orang miskin.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & Maaf Zahir Batin

Moga2 Allah terima segala amalan kita di Ramadan 2011. Amin

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sepetang di Surau Al Sobah

Anak2 Thafiz STAM sampaikan Kasidah

Hari ini masuk hari ke 17 kita berpuasa dan bersamaan hari Nuzul Al Quran. Nikmat berpuasa mula meresap dalam diri dan rasa sayu mula datang kerana bulan yang penuh berkat dan ganjaran Allah akan meninggalkan kita dalam masa 13 hari sahaja lagi. Harap harap kita dapat segala ganjaran yang ditawarkan oleh Allah dengan amal kita yang masih sedikit ini. Harap harap kita mendapat keberkatan, keampunan dan dijauhi daripada api neraka berkat amalan kita disepanjang ramadan ini. Sebab kita belum tentu dapat bertemu Ramadan tahun depan. Pada bulan ramadan inilah paling ramai umat Islam yang mendapat keampunan daripada Allah kerana doa orang yang berpuasa tidak ditolak oleh Allah dan semua Malikat di Araz mendoakan agar kita mendapat keampunan daripada Allah.


Kalau kita terus istiqamah menjalankan ibadah yang wajib, sunat, membaca Al Quran, bersedekah, zakat dan fitrah, InshaAllah kita akan diketemuakan dengan malam yang lebih baik daripada seribu bulan ia itu malam Lailatul Qadar. Maka lebihkanlah sembahyang malam, tahjjud, taubat, hajat dan shukur. Kalau bertemu dengan malam itu mohonlah keberkatan, keampunana dan syurga Allah. Mohonlah agar kita terus hidup dalam iman dan taqwa serta berjaya didunia dan akhirat.


Semalam di Suarau Al Sobah petangnya diisi dengan bacaan Yassin dan Tahlil diikuti dengan buka puasa ringan dan sembahyang maghrib. Lepas maghrib baru jemaah dijamu dengan nasi putih, kari tenggiri, ayam goreng, sambal udang dan sayur kobis. Alhamdulillah hampir dua ratus jemaah berbuka disurau semalam termasuk 27 anak2 dari Thafiz Al Quran STAM. Selepas solat Ishak, diteruskan dengan solat terawih dan syarahan agama mengenai Nuzul Al Quran oleh Ustaz Yahya. Beliau menerangkan tetang tanggung jawab kita menjaga Al Quran dengan melaksanakan perkara2 berikut: 1) Beriman kepada Al Quran (2) Membaca Al Quran dengan betul dan tertib (3) Memahami isi Al Quran (4) Mengamalkan Al Quran dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Mudah2an kita akan mendapat perlindungan dan keberkatan Allah serta mendapat syafaat Al Quran dihari perhintungan kelak.


Anak2 dari Thafiz Al Quran STAM sempat menyampaikan dua lagu Kasidah bagi mengisi majlis Nuzul Al Quran tahun ini. Semoga bulan Ramadan tahun ini menjadi tarbiah bagi kita memperbaiki diri dan menyiapkan diri untuk mengharungi sebelas bulan akan datang dengan istiqamah dan takwa. Maklumkan kita jauh dari kesempurnaan dan selalu melakukan kesilapan dalam melalui dugaan dunia. Selamat beramal.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pangkor Island.... Holiday heaven

View of the pool and beautiful beach


Pangkor Island Beach Resort was our holiday destination for last Labour Day weekend. It was a few hours drive from KL to Lumut then half hour ferry ride to the hotel exclusive jetty. We have chosen the best hotel in Pangkor and definitely money worth due to its lovely hotel and rooms, exclusive clean beach, great foods and friendly staff. Well recommended for those who wish to come to Pangkor and we definitely will come back in the near future.


We also managed to go for the round Island tour which was fun as you can see from our snap shots. Pangkor is definitely great for beach holiday and good if you’re looking for quiet peaceful holiday.

Pangkor Isand Beach Resort from seaview

The Terrace Coffee House.

Emmmm lovely sunset

Hotel and pool......

Majestic view of exclusive beach

SPA to relieve body stress

Exclusive Hotel Villas by the forest

Hotel Rooms..... big and cosy

Old Dutch Fort

Minute Great Wall of China

Family pic

Salted fish

Pic of Dinding Straits

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tun Mahathir Speech @ IKMAL 25 yrs Dinner

IKMAL Past and Present Presidents..

Tun Mahathir darling of the crowd...

YAB Tun Mahathir and wife graced Institut Kelautan Malaysia ( IKMAL ) Silver Jubilee Gala Dinner on Friday 22nd April 2011 at Royal Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. It was a memorable Nite attended by more then 400 guests from the maritime fraternity. Tun gave a very good speech that I shared with you below. He believed in the Malaysian Maritime Industry and stressed that it plays a vital role in transforming Malaysia into a developed nation. Therefore all maritime professionals and players must strived to be counted in the country transformation process to achieve developed nation status.

YBhg. Tan Sri-Tan Sri, Puan Sri-Puan Sri, Dato-Dato, Datin-Datin,
Ladies and Gentlemen;
A very good evening to all of you!
I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to IKMAL for inviting me to this SJGD marking the 25th. year of existence of the Institute.
Indeed, this is the second time in a year that I have been invited to say a few words at an IKMAL-organised event.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the theme that IKMAL has chosen: “25 Years Propelling Maritime Professionalism” is quite appropriate and very relevant to the Institute in particular and our nation in general.
IKMAL is the professional body for all those engaged in the maritime industry in Malaysia and its objectives highlight the pristine aspirations of all its members. On this, I, personally offer my total support since, as a medical professional, I, too, would strongly encourage and wish that each and every player in all the professions hold in high esteem the necessity to be highly skilled, well experienced and continuously abreast of the most recent developments in what they claim to do best.
This is more so in the maritime industry which contributes significantly to Malaysia’s economy. I do not need to emphasize how important shipping is to Malaysia. As a maritime and a trading nation, shipping plays a crucial role in transporting our exports and imports. In fact, more than 90% of our overseas trade is transported by sea. Thus, it is only appropriate that Malaysia places high emphasis on not only developing our shipping sector, but, also ensuring that those engaged in it perform their tasks with utmost professionalism and dedication. It is in this regard, I think, that IKMAL can play a significant role.
Apart from encouraging investments in maritime infrastructure, the development of human capital in the shipping sector should also be of high priority. I am pleased to note that a majority of IKMAL’s members are, basically, mariners in-charge of ships, either sailing at sea or managing them from ashore. Some, I understand, are also serving in foreign companies and in distant lands. This provides ample proof that the focus on education and training of seafarers has been successful.
I take this opportunity to acknowledge IKMAL’s role in organising various tea-talks, workshops, seminars, lecture series and conferences as well as the publication of a bi-annual journal towards elevating awareness and knowledge of the science and development of the maritime sphere and wish to encourage the Institute to continue with such noble aspirations.
Ladies and Gentlemen,


We are fast approaching Year 2020, the target year for which Malaysia is to become a developed nation. One of the components that have been continuously stressed is the development of our own local human resource that will truly enable us to be recognised as a developed nation. It goes without saying that we should have a highly trained, highly skilled, highly competent and highly motivated work force that can drive our nation towards year 2020 and beyond. This is more evident in shipping where Malaysia should strive towards excellence.

The Malaysian fleet now has more than 4,700 merchant ships and slightly more than 1,000 of these trade internationally. In terms of ships’ tonnage, about 70% of our shipping fleet trade globally. This clearly demonstrates our need for sufficient seafarers to serve on board Malaysian ships. Presently, on record, we have about 20,000 Malaysian seafarers, but, many of them serve the domestic trade. At the same time, our reliance on foreign seafarers continues and this year alone we have more than 9,500 serving on board our ships. The task at hand is quite obvious, that is, to encourage as many Malaysians as possible to pursue a career at sea. In order for this to succeed, the industry must demonstrate that seafaring is indeed a rewarding profession and a professional body such as IKMAL must ingrain the pride of being a professional into the psyche of incumbents and potential recruits . As the most relevant stakeholder, shipowners must ensure that this message is clearly delivered and well received. IKMAL, too, should play its role in clarifying that seafaring is a noble profession with immense potential and borderless career opportunities.

I am convinced that the shipping industry provides the perfect chance to fulfil our national aspiration to be a high income economy. The global nature of shipping provides this excellent opportunity for the maritime industry to lead the way in the Malaysia’s Economic Transformation Programme.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am told that currently, IKMAL’s membership strength is approximately 470, of which 70 are corporate members made up of port operators/regulators; shipping companies; maritime logistics entities and other organisations affiliated to the maritime industry. I would strongly urge that many more join this professional body whose primary aims are enhancing the development of the science and practice of this challenging maritime profession and encouraging the pursuit of excellence in all spheres relating to the maritime industry. Nothing is more satisfying than being acknowledged as being a member of a professional body which accords one with the desired respect and esteem by others outside the fraternity.
I also wish to acknowledge the generosity of the main sponsors of this gala event that had made it possible. I hope that this sense of corporate social responsibility shall continue in the future too and that IKMAL will especially benefit from it.
Once again, I thank IKMAL for inviting me to this Silver Jubilee Gala Dinner.
I am sure that we shall all have a terrific night and enjoy ourselves.

Thank you.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


It was a different Saturday family outing this time when for the first time we took all our children to Istana Budaya instead of usual shopping mall. It was Lat the Kampung Boy musical for all of us in support of local musical theatre and legendary cartoonist Dato' Lat.
Everybody enjoyed the show especially the children and looks forward to see more theatre in the future. Well the full house crowd were very responsive and gave Dato' Lat a standing ovation at the end of the show. Well my conclusion Malaysian Theatre is a good as any international theatre that we have seen in London.
Well as far as the Lat Kg Boy Musical, it gave the insight of his journey before finally achieving the recognition from abroad then by NST before finally being recognised as international cartoonist. He was always the Kampung boy at heart despite the huge success all over the world. We must be proud of our roots and keep doing what we know best to achive real success as what Lat did.
Congratulations to Hans Issac and Harith Iskandar for the success in directing the musical and of course Awie as the leading actor as Lat. Well done once again Istana Budaya.