Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year

Wishing all Chinese friends, relatives and bloggers Happy Chinese New Year. Hope the golden tiger year will bring prosperity and good health to all of you. It has been a trying year in 2009 in terms economic and business growth.

Let’s keep the Malaysian lifestyle of living together in harmony and respecting each other traditions. That way Malaysia will continue to prosper and be a model to the world in terms of races tolerance and diversity in harmony.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nizar ... yang masih Meroyan

Syabas MB Perak dan selamat berkhidmat kepada rakyat dengan lebih baik dan dedikasi. Jadikan kemelut politik Perak sebagai satu pengajaran supaya terus perbaiki perkhidmatan kepada rakyat. Kalau sdr berkerja dengan baik dan ikhlas InshaAllah di PRU 13 nanti akan menang dengan mudah.
Bagi Nizar bertaubatlah..... sudah sudahlah buat perangai, kebodohan dan kesombongan saudara sangat menyerlah hingga rakyat pun dah meluat melihat perangai saudara. Kalau dah kalah tu terima saja lah jangan hendak salahkan orang lain. Semuanya terjadi akibat perangai sdr sendiri yang tidak dapat menjaga hati kawan dan rakyat. Sdr terlalu pentingkan kuasa, glamor dan diri sendiri maka akibatnya menerima padah.
Harap krisis Perak ini menjadi pengajaran kepada BN dan PR terutama negeri Selangor, Terengganu dan Penang. Jangan nanti bila dah tersungkur baru nak salahkan semua orang ... lagi teruk kalau disampuk sakit meroyan.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

ZAID the Strategist Clown

Zaid Ibrahim the PKR Strategist said that the decision by the Judge on MB verses MB in Perak issue will decide whether the Malaysian judiciary will be respected by the rakyat. But the judgement must be in favour of another clown Nizar otherwise the rakyat will not be happy. What kind of a clown is this guy trying to impose his judgement onto the presiding Judge.

I am happy that PKR made him the Chief strategist because he is full of stupid strategies. Every time he opens his mouth the PKR popularity slides further. This plus all the mud slugging between Jeff Ooi & Wee, Lim Guan Eng & Zahrain, Khalid Ibrahim & YBK and of course Anwar and his Sodomy II drama will make Pakatan Rakyat drowned with their own rubbish act.

It's looks like the same people that put them up in PRU 12 will now have to drag them down due to their inability to govern and perform as expected by the rakyat. The fact remains you can cheat the rakyat sometimes but not all the times because the rakyat are smarter then you thought.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Shamsul Azhar PETRONAS President

The long serving PETRONAS President finally make way for Datuk Shamsul Azhar former MISC President/CEO.

Shamsul is an old hand in PETRONAS and has served as vice-president in the petrochemical, oil exploration and production, as well as logistics and maritime businesses before. He should be able to lead and manage PETRONAS to greater height. Perhaps bringing fresh breeze into PETRONAS management in facing current challenges.

Well, Tan Sri Hassan has served his time well and I wish him happy retirement from PETRONAS


After 18 months of ding dong finally the show begins …… Anwar V Saiful. Lets the lawyers dramatized the defense and prosecution act and hopefully the public will be able to see who is the real culprit in this drama. Who will be crowned as the Drama King or perhaps who will be the Monster in disguise.

As for the rakyat they should leave it to the Court and for Anwar to defend himself, after all he is such a resourceful person. No need to be dragged into his drama in stirring rakyat emotion for his private case.

It will be a long ride, fasten the seat belt and enjoy the show. Finally the truth will revel itself.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Harubiru di Sana Sini

Lim Guan Eng dalam kepanasan bila tembelang pemerintahan kuku besi nya semakin menyerlah. DS Zahrain dah buka tembelang dia maka yang lain pun mula melahirkan perasaan yang sama. Memang mudah mengata orang tapi apabila sendiri menjadi pemerintah lagi teruk jadinya. Lain kali kalau hendak bercakap tu biarlah berlapik sebab bila meludah kelangit besar kemungkinan akan jatuh kemuka sendiri. Masih ada masa kalau hendak jadi pemimpin yang baik berubahlah kepada kebaikan dan kebenaran . Jangan bila dah kena begini masih nak main tektik lapuk salahkan BN pulak. Tektik tu dah tak diterima rakyat lagi, nanti kalau rakyat dah menyampah takut tak sampai lima tahun memerintah. Lagi haru biru meroyan macam pemimpin di Perak tu.

Menteri Besar Selangor pulak duduk bergaduh dengan Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan, kalau nak settle kes tanah kena lantik dia jadi Pengerusi. Kalau tidak rampas balik tanah, lepas tu nak bagi pada siapa kita pun tak tahu. Apa lah jenis manusia dia ni, nak dikatakan bodoh pandai dan nak dikatakan pandai bengap. Ini lah padahnya bila minyak kuasa naik kepala semuanya jadi haru biru.

Tentang Kelantan dan wang ehsan tu kita komen lain kalilah…… kesian Tok Guru ashik kena hentam luar dalam. Bagi dia ruang untuk bernafas dan bersilat balik.