Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Al Quran...Jadikan bacaan harian kita!

Al Quran:
Jika kamu menampakkan sesuatu kebaikan, atau menyembunyikannya, atau kamu memaafkan kesalahan (yg dilakukan terhadap kamu) maka sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Pemaaf, lagi Maha Berkuasa.

Juzuk 6, Surah Al Nisa, Ayat 149.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

AGM Pertama Sukarelawan Bangi Valley 23/2/14.

Setinggi tahniah kepada Ahli Jawatankuasa Pertama SUKARELAWAN BANGI VALLEY yang telah dipilih dengan sebulat suara dalam Mesyuarat Agung Pertama yang diadakan pada malam ini 23 Feb 2014 di Dataran Penyayang Bangi Valley di ketuai oleh Dato' Kapt Jaffar Lamri dan Dato' Prof Dr Sulaiman Yassin sebagai Timbalan Ketua. Moga Perkampungan Bangi Valley dan Penghuninya aman, tenteram dan makmur selama-lamanya.

Al Quran:

Tidak ada kebaikan pada kebanyakan bisikan2 mereka, kecuali (bisikan2) orang yg menyuruh bersedekah atau berbuat kebaikan atau mendamaikan di antara manusia. Sesiapa yg berbuat demikian dengan maksud mencari keredaan Allah, tentulah Kami akan memberi kepadanya pahala yg amat besar.
Juzuk 5, Surah Al Nisa, Ayt 114.
Bercakaplah untuk kebaikan bukan kemusnahan dan kebencian.

Friday, May 16, 2014

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله ،
سلام حرمة، سلام سجهترا، سلام هاري كورو ....2014...y
"JMSR" mengajak semua warga SBV dan BV untuk sama2 mengucapkan "SELAMAT HARI GURU" 2014, kpg warga guru tak kira dimana mereka berada. Tanpa insan yg bergelar "GURU" dimanalah kita?!. Kita yg memiliki ilmu dan pekerjaan mengikut bidang pengkhususan masing2 hari ini, adalah hasil dari ajaran, asuhan dan didikan guru kita. Jesteru, jasa mereka wajib dikenang. Menghormati guru adala sunnah Rasulullah saw. Berdoalah untuk mereka. Kalau mereka, telah kembali kerahmatuLlah, maka sekalong "ALFATIHAH" kita hadiahkan...
Insan "GURU" mempunyai berbagai "GELARAN" sesuai dengan status dan kedudukkannya yg bertanggungjawab untuk melahirkan insan "MURID" yg berkualiti demi untuk berkhidmat kerana Allah kpd agama, keluarga, masyarakat dan negara.
GURU sebagai "MU'ALIM" (Pencetus Ilmu)
GURU sebagai "MUDARRIS" (Pengembang ilmu )
GURU sebagai "MURABBI" (Pendidik rohani)
GURU sebagai "MUADDIB" (Pengasuh budi)
GURU sebagai "MURSYID" (Perintis jalan)
GURU sebagai "MUYASSIR" (Pemudah cara/ Fasilitatur).
Dipanggil "MU'ALLIM", kerana peranan mereka memeberi ilmu kpd murid2 supaya menjadi insan yg berpengtahuan dalam bidang2 tertentu. Dipanggil "MUDARRIS", kerana peranan mereka untuk menjadikan murid2 mampu mengembang dan menterjemahkan ilmu yg dipelajari, mengikut jurusan dan bidang masing2.

Bergelar "MURABBI" dan "MUADDIB" kerana disamping mengajar, mereka juga memain peranan "mengasuh, mendidik, melentur (menta'dib)" jiwa dan rohani murid2 supaya mereka menjadi insan beahlak (berakhlaq) mulia, bermoral dan berbudi pekerti tinggi. Mereka tidak mahu murid mereka "berilmu" tapi tidak berakhlaq...Mereka mahu murid mereka menjadi insan "contoh", bukannya insan seperti kata pepatah "Cikgu kencing berdiri murid kencing berlari".

Bergelar sebagai "MURSYID" kerana peranan mereka sebagai "perintis" atau "pemandu" untuk memandu murid2 supaya kenal diri sendiri, kenal asal usul sekaligus kenal Allah swt selaku "Khaliq" (Pencipta). Dengan itu mereka tidak akan bongkak dan takbur bila berada dipuncak kejayaan. Sebaliknya semakin tinggi kejayaan yg mereka miliki, semakin dekat mereka dgn Allah swt, semakin menghormati ibu bapa, dan semakin jinak dengan masyarakat seperti kata pepatah "ikut resmi padi, makin berisi makin tunduk jangan ikut resmi jagung makin berisi makin cenguk"....

Guru bergelar sebagai "MUYASSAR" kerana peranan mereka sebagai "fasilitetor" atau pemudah cara kpd murid2. Dengan kata lain guru bertindak selaku rakan kpd murid2. Dgn menjadikan dirinya sebagai fasilitetor, bukanlah bererti status guru akan berkurangan, sebaliknya dgn cara itu, proses pembelajaran akan menjadi lebih mudah dan mantap...sebab penampilan mereka bukan untuk "DITAKUTI, DIGERUNI" tapi "DIHORMATI DISANJUNGI".

Melihat kpg berbagai GELARAN yg tertera diatas, sudah cukup untuk kita mengetahui betapa luasnya peranan GURU. Ia mencakupi dua demensi utama; "Zahir" dan "Batin" murid2 yg diajar.
Amir Syua'ra' Ahmad Shauqi Biq mendeklemasikan serangkap bait Syair untuk memberi penghormatan khusus kpd para guru:
قُمْ لِلْمُعَلِّمِ وَفُهِ التَّبْجِيْلَا &
كَادَ الْمُعَلِّمُ أَنْ يَكُوْنَ رَسُوْلَا
( Berdirilah Dan Berilah Penghormatan Kpg Guru $
Krn Hampir2lah Guru Itu Selaku Seorang Rasul).
Jom Kita Sama2 Menghormati GURU...

YM Ustaz Tuan Guru Hj Yahya Hj Mohd Razi SBV.
Two Self-made Millionaires Attribute Their Success To Charity
WEDNESDAY, 07 MAY 2014 09:30
By Shahfizal Musa
Pix Abd Raai Osman

BANGI, 2 May 2014 – Two self-made millionaires today shared the secrets of their successes in business that has been immune to crisis and economic storms to students of The National University of Malaysia (UKM) here.

Saiful Nang from Saiful Nang Academy and Dato’ Capt Jaffar Lamri from the CME Group gave their experiences to over 3000 students and how they tackled hardships and challenges they faced in their
endeavors that ultimately brought them the success that they strived for.

Capt Jaffar is a qualified mariner who has worked for a Fortune 500 company before he decided to be an entrepreneur when he bought an ailing marine engineering company and turned it around into a million dollar business in just one year.He said everyone should cultivate the habit of giving from the very beginning and not just when rich and successful as the more you give the more you get.

He has experienced working life both as an employee and as an entrepreneur. An employee has a limit as to how much he can contribute to society no matter how good he is. An employee tend to worry about his own survival while shouldering the responsibility of providing for his family and 
good education for his children.

An entrepreneur who is successful can do more because he has the means at his disposal. “When you are a successful entrepreneur then you are truly free, you can help people and champion causes that are close to your heart.”He encouraged students to use their time in UKM to gather as much 
knowledge and skills as possible so that when they graduate they need not look for a job but instead create their own income.

Jaffar applied the concept of rewarding his employees in his company where he shares profits with his project managers and other key movers in the company. He even open newbusinesses for them. One interesting aspect of his management style is not merely rewarding his company’s top performers but also personally searched for the non performing workers to be groomed into highly successful business managers. They would then be made partners instead of just being employees.

Saiful Nang who is from a poor family is now a well-known photographer to royalties and celebrities.
He was dyslexic as a child so he could only begin to read and speak properly at the age of 7. Due to 
his condition he was ostracised by other children and even labelled as the ‘stupid kid’ in the 
village.That was actually a blessing for him because though he cannot mix with the intelligent 
children he was able to observe them. “So I got to see the whole picture and know what their interests are. I got a bird’s eye view of what their problems and wants are. What they really need is a place to act their imaginations”. So armed with that knowledge he built a small zoo and amusement park and an underground secret chamber and charged the normal kids for entry.“That is the day I can never forget. If those children are so intelligent why do they have to pay me to have a good time?”

From then on he has been using his creativity to make money to this very day. He gave a solution to the biggest problem facing youth that is preventing them from starting a business; the lack of funding. He said the problem exist because of perception. He said there are too many entrepreneurs who would rather be satisfied with a cupcake instead of sharing a huge pie with others. The concept of 
sharing puts them off even when it will actually give them a higher return.Saiful said to be a successful entrepreneur he must know that it is not just about making money but it’s about making 
others rich as well. Funding, he said is not a problem when a person is sincere in helping others thereby able to make others see the benefits they will gain through a partnership.This is smart
 partnership which is advocated in Islam through the concept of Waqaf.

It was with the same concept that he and his partners co-founded Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumah Pengasih Warga Prihatin an orphanage and home for the disadvantage.

Centre for Entrepreneurial and SME Development (CESMED) Coordinator, Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed, Lecturers and students were among those who attended the talk.